Please check club's facebool page for most recent updates
Quality Soccer Provider
Shahph Puma Sports Club is recognized as a quality soccer provider by Canada Soccer as of September 12, 2024. SPSC’s passion and heart for #football tenures our success in delivering youth soccer programs. Thank you, players, parents, coaches and managers, for your commitment and discipline – our success and continuous growth is set in stone.
Welcome Guide
Click the link to download WELCOME GUIDE.
Shahph Puma Sports Club‘s 2024 - 2025 indoor Soccer. Badminton and Track & Filed registeration is open for kids. Use the link below to register.
Shahph Puma Sports Club‘s 2024 - 2025 indoor adult Badminton registeration is open for kids. Use the link below to register
to register for adult badminton
Summer 2024 Outdoor Soccer and Track & Field
Shahph Puma Sports Club‘s 2024 outdorr Soccer and Track & Filed registeration is open.
INDOOR 2018-2019
Shahph Puma Sports Club‘s indoor 2018-2019 Soccer, Track & Field, Badminton, Basketballand chess begin.
Registration is open now for boys and girls. Age 4-16

Summer 2018
Shahph Puma Sports Club‘s outdoor 2018 Soccer, Track & Field, Badminton and Basketball season begin.
2018 Outdoor OPEN tryouts - Soccer and Track & Field

Shahph Puma Sports Club Proudly Presents

Why shahph puma sports club?
INDOOR 2017- 2018
Shahph Puma Sports Club‘s Indoor 2017- 2018 Kids SoccerTrack & Field , Basketball, Badminton and chess, classes begin. Registration is open now
INDOOR 2017- 2018
Shahph Puma Sports Club‘s Indoor 2017- 2018 Kids SoccerTrack & Field , Basketball, Badminton and chess, classes begin. Registration is open now

Summer 2017 poster
2nd Tamils' International Track and Field Competition 2017
Date: Monday July 3, 2017
Shahph Puma Sports Club Proudly Presents
The 6th Annual Badminton Tournament - PUMA' S BADMINTON TOURNAMENT 2017 - KIds Doubles
Shahph Puma Sports Club Proudly Presents
2nd Tamils' International Track and Field Competition 2017
Indoor season 2016 -2017
Shahph Puma Sports Club's indoor Season starts. We offer house league and academy program for kids based on their skills. We are offering follwing kids programs
1. Soccer
2. Badminton ( Kids and Adults)
3. Track and Field
4. Basketball
5. Chess
We are accepting registration for Soccer, Track & Field, Badminton, Chess and Basketball.
Selected top-level soccer players in academy program with very high potential and aspirations are playing game on Sundays in CAF league, who are part of OSA ( CAF- Canadian Academy of Futbol) .
Selected top-level High performers in track and field will be participating in provincial meet run by MTA ( Ontario’s Minor Track Association.
Click the button to check the out door schedule and locations
PUMA 2016 - Track and Field Competition
Summer outdoor season 2016
Shahph Puma Sports Club's summer outdoor Season starts. We offer soccer house league and academy program for kids based on their skills. We are accepting registration for Soccer, Track & Field and Basketball.
Selected top-level soccer players in academy program with very high potential and aspirations are playing game on Sundays in CAF league, who are part of OSA ( CAF- Canadian Academy of Futbol) .
Selected top-level High performers in track and field will be participating in provincial meet run by MTA ( Ontario’s Minor Track Association.
Click the button to check the out door schedule and locations
Shahph Puma Sports Club Proudly Presents
The 5thAnnual Badminton Tournament –PUMA’S BADMINTON 2016
Adults : Sunday May 22, 2 016
Time: 8.00AM - 6.00 PM
Place: Sandalwood Heights Secondary School
2671 Sandalwood Pkwy, Brampton
(Torbram & Sandalwood, Southeast corner)
(No ranked A Card or B Card Players)
Adults:$20.00/single and $40.00/doubles/team & mixed (over 18)
Click here for online registertion for adults
Click here to download the adults application form
Click here to download the LIABILITY RELEASE AND WAIVER
Click here to Paypal payment option
Adults are welcome.
PUMA's Raffle winning numbers
We are happy inform you that as of Jan 2016 we will be offering Basketball practice in Vaughan location.
PUMA MATH Contest 2015 Results
Math contest is postponed
Sorry to inform, due to permit issue I have to postpone the math contest to Nov 8, 2015. Sorry for the inconvenient..
SHAHPH PUMA EDUCATION (Division of Shahph Puma Sports Club) proudly hosts the3rdAnnual Math competition for kids from Grade 2 to Grade 8.
Hey kids, do you want take a challenge!
Math Contest base on Ontario school curriculum,
1st, 2nd, 3rdplace winner will receive cash price.
When: Sunday Nov5, 2015; 2.00PM – 5.00 PM
Indoor 2015- 2016 schedule
Please click button to check the indoor schedule and locations. The following programs offered in our Brampton, Vaughan, Mississaguga and Markham.
1. Soccer
2. Badminton - Kids and Adutls
3. Track and Field
4. Basketball
5. Chess
Summer 2015 -Schedule -Brampton and Vaughan
Please click button to check the out door schedule and locations
PUMA 2015 – Sports Meet
Shahph Puma Sports Club Proudly presents the 6th Annual Track and Field outdoor championships
Date: Saturday August 15, 2015
Time: 9.00AM - 2.00 PM
Location: Terry Fox Stadium (chinguacousy Park)
9050 Bramalea Road, Brampton (Queen and Bramalea, Northwest corner)
It’s an open competition anyone could participate
Registration fee is $20.00/Participant – Could take 3 events
Registration closing date is August 10, 2015
Shahph Puma Sports Club Proudly Presents
The 3rdAnnual Badminton Tournament –PUMA’S BADMINTON 2015
Kids: Saturday May 16, 2015
Adults: Saturday May 17, 2015
Time: 8.00AM - 6.00 PM
Place: Sandalwood Heights Secondary School
2671 Sandalwood Pkwy, Brampton
(Torbram & Sandalwood, Southeast corner)
Kids and Adultsare welcome
2014 PUMA's Raffle winning numbers
1st Place – 0433
2nd Place - 0562
3rd Place - 0465
Thank you very much for your generous support.
2014-2014 KID'S INDOOR SOCCER starts
2014-2015 kid's Indoor soccer starts. We will give first preference to our existing members to register first week and remaining spots will be given to new members form next week.
Click the "Read More" button to follow the following
Indoor soccer practice schedule
Indoor soccer academy schedule
Indoor games schedule
Indoor Badminton Schedule
2014-2015 KID'S Indoor Athletic Practice
Indoor Athletic practice starts,
More details please select "Read More" below
PUMA 2014 – Sports Meet
Shahph Puma Sports Club Proudly presents the 5th Annual Track and Field outdoor championships
Date: Saturday August 30, 2014
Time: 9.00AM - 2.00 PM
Location: Terry Fox Stadium (chinguacousy Park)
9050 Bramalea Road, Brampton (Queen and Bramalea, Northwest corner)
The 2nd Annual MATH COMPETION 2014
SHAHPH PUMA EDUCATION (Division of Shahph Puma Sports Club) proudly host the 2nd Annual Math competition for kids Grade 2 to Grade 8.
Hey kids, do you want take a challenge!
Math Contest base on Ontario school curriculum,
1st, 2nd, 3rd place winner will receive cash price.
Saturday May 31, 2014; 2.00PM – 5.00 PM
Math Registration forms drop off & payment and more details please select "Read More" below
Why Shahph Puma Sports club?
Weekly soccer practice (ball control, passing. receiving, shooting …)
Weekly Athletic (Sprinting, long jump, high jump, shot put …) practice
Weekly endurance and strengthening practices
Weekly house league games
Weekly DHSL league game for advanced skilled players
Participates in MTA’s & other local meets and hosts annual PUMAS’ Meet
Participates in local Soccer tournaments and hosts annual PUMAS’ Soccer tournament
Behavior, control, discipline …
Jersey kit with a ball (Puma or Adidas), Team portrait, Summer picnic
One fee for both Soccer and Athletic
Year round practices (indoor and outdoor - Jan - Dec)
Offer multiple sports (Soccer, Athletic, Badminton, Chess…)
Participates in local Badminton tournaments and hosts annual PUMAS’ Badminton tournament
BADMINTON TOURNAMEMT 2014 - Tentative Schedule
Please find Sunday's Apr 6, 2104 Badminton Tournament Tentative schedule. We will try to follow the schedule below, please note it is a tentative schedule.
- All PUMA’S kids please be there at 8.00AM
- Volunteering kids please be there at 8.00AM
- Please give extra time and arrive 15 minutes before the game start time.
- Game will be default (automatic win) if one of the player not available at game start
- Waiver must be signed and hand in before playing any games. Those of you who did not signed the waiver please give extra time
- Those of you who did not made you payment, please give extra time
Adults |
Time |
Event |
Age Group |
8.30 AM |
Mens doubles |
U25, U35, U45, U55 and U65 |
10.00AM |
Womens doubles |
U35 and O35 |
11.00AM |
Open double |
Open double |
12.00 PM |
Mens and Womens Single |
U25, U35, U45, U55 and U65 |
1.00PM |
Mix Double |
Mix Double |
Kids |
Time |
Event |
Age Group |
11.30AM |
Kids Double |
U9, U10, U11, U12, U13, U14, U16 and U18 |
2.00PM |
Kids Single |
U9, U10, U11, U12, U13, U14, U16 and U18 |
Castlebrooke Secondary School
10 Gardenbrooke Trail, Brampton, ON L6P 3L1
Shahph Puma Sports Club Proudly presents the 2nd Annual Badminton Tournament -PUMA’S BADMINTON 2014.
Date: Sunday April 6, 2014
Time: 8.00AM - 6.00 PM
Place: Castlebrooke Secondary School
10 Gardenbrooke Trail, Brampton
Math competition awards ceremony
Please join us for the Math competition awards ceremony on Saturday December 14th at Sandalwood Heights Secondary School from 4.00 – 5.00P.M.
All the kids who wrote the exam are invited for awards ceremony along with their parents.
Please note: The prize for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winner will be given after the dinner along with sports awards around 10.30P.M..
Please note: We will be having our Christmas party and Sports awards night after MATH Awards presentation. We cordially invite you to join us to the fun full night.
Dinner will be served. Entrance fee for the family is $45.00 and Single ticket is $15.00.
Invitation - 4th Annual Christmas Party and awards night
All current & past members (kids and parents) of the club, sports meets, Badminton tournament and math competition participants and friends and relatives of the club members are invited?.
The Shahah Puma Sports Club will be celebrating its 4th Annual Christmas Party and awards night on Saturday December 14th at Sandalwood Heights Secondary School from 4.00 P.M. – 12.00.A.M..
Kids are encouraged to do a performance of their choice (group performance preferred) for the entertainment portion of the night and if so then please provide the name(s), type of the performance, and length of the performance.
The current/past members (kids and parents) of the club, sports meets’ participants, and Badminton participants, participants of math competition and friends and relatives of the club members shall attend the Annual Christmas Party and awards night.
Admission: $45.00/Family, dinner will be served;
Agenda will be forwarded as soon as it is available.
2013-2014 KID'S Indoor Athletic Practice on Saturdays
Indoor Athletic practice starts
Location: Sandalwood Heights Secondary School
Time: 7.00 – 9.00 PM
2013-2014 KID'S INDOOR SOCCER starts
2013-2014 kid's Indoor soccer starts. We will give first preference to our existing members to register first week and remaining spots will be given to new members form next week.Click the "Read More" button to see the schedule.
2013-2014 Indoor BADMINTON starts
I hope you all had a good summer break. 2013-2014 Indoor badminton starts. We will give first preference to our existing members to register first week and remaining spots will be given to new members from next week. Click the "Read More" button to see the schedule.
2013-2014 Indoor GAME SCHEDULE
6.30 - 7.15PM - 2007 & 2008 -Gym1
6.30 - 7.15PM - 2005 & 2006 -Gym2
7.20 – 8.10PM- 2003 & 2004
8.15 – 9.20PM -2002, 2001 & 2000
Game is at Cardinal Ambrozic CSS
10 Castle oaks Crossing,L6P3A2
Please note:
Note1: No doorbell at the school, school entrance door will be kept locked all times. Door will be open just 5 minutes before each game someone. Please be on time. Sorry for the inconvenient.
Note2: Please be on time to pickup your kids
PUMA 2013 - Meet results
Congratulations to all participants, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd winners and champions, meet result is possted below. PUMA 2013 - another puma's successfully event, thank you for all the participants, volunteers, parents, judges and supporters to make our track and field competition PUMA 2013 a very successful and see you all next year
PUMA MATH Contest 2013 Results
Congratulations to all participants and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd winners. Parents, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to obtain your child(ren)’s index number(s).
PUMA 2013 – Sports Meet
Shahph Puma Sports Club Proudly presents the 4th Annual Track and Field outdoor championships
Date: Saturday August 24, 2013
Time: 9.00AM - 8.00 PM
Location: Terry Fox Stadium (chinguacousy Park)
9050 Bramalea Road, Brampton (Queen and Bramalea, Northwest corner)
Puma Sports club invites you, your family and friends to club’s annual summer picnic on Aug 10, 2013 form 9:00 A.M. – 8:00 P.M.
It is a whole day event loaded with lots of fun activities for all ages. As usual it is a pot luck lunch get together. Bring your favourite dish and best pot will be awarded.
It is open to anyone (current or old club member and outsider).You could bring your relatives and friends
Picture day:
We will be having our picture day at the picnic (on Aug 10, 2013). Please bring your Jersey.
Picnic location:
Eldorado Park – Picnic Area #3
Click the link belwo for direction and map,
Please check the club's facebook for update.
Shahph Puma Sports Club's Summer outdoor Season 2015
Shahph Puma Sports Club's Summer outdoor Season Soccer and Athletic classes starts. Accepting new registration now.
House league games on Thursdays @ Torbram Sandalwood Tot fields #10, #11 and #12
We encourage all the players to participate in the house league games.
Game Schedule:
U6 - U9 : 6.15PM - 7.20PM
U10 - U14 : 7.25PM - 8.30PM
(Same fields those we had last year)
Sandalwood Heights Secondary School
2671 Sandalwood Pkwy E, Brampton, ON L6R 0K7
Shahph Puma sport club is member of DHSL (Driftwood Hispanic Soccer League) and DHSL member of OSA(Ontario Soccer Association). Please visit North York Soccer Association web site (link below) and then browse to Clubs and Leagues then select Driftwood Hispanic SC to learn more about DHSL.
Start date: Regular season begins June 15, 2013.
End date: Season Ends September 21, 2013
Times: Games are played on Saturday anytime 10:00 – 18:00 hrs.
The following days there will be no games due to summer holidays: June 29, Aug 03 & Aug 31.
Congratulations Rishi and Phriethan. Shahph puma sports club is proud to be developing talented youngsters. Rishi Krishan and Phriethan Mahalingam received Peel district school board Stellar Honoring student achievement awards on 7th of June 2012 for Physical and Health Education Canada School Recognition Awards for Quality Daily Physical Educations. Stellar is the event celebrating the success of Peel Students at the provincial, national and international level. Congratulations again Rishi and Phriethan. |
Shahph Puma Sports Club Proudly Presents The 1st Annual Badminton Tournament - PUMA'S BADMINOTON 2013.
Another milestone achievement by Shahph Puma sports club the first multi-cultural Badminton tournament was a great success on May 19, 2013. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the participants, volunteers, supporters and judges for your great support. Special thanks to Pandy Chan from Toronto District Badminton Association (TDBA) for making this tournament a great success. See you all next year. Tournament photos are upload in our club's facebook page.
All Math Competition participants
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the participants, volunteers and teachers for their great support. Exam results will be posted on our web site as soon as all the exams are marked. All the participant's parents/guardian, please send us a test message along with your kids name and Grade to confirm your email address ( in some forms, email addreses are not clear and not legiable), so we could email your kid's mark.
Thank You
Do you want to promote your business in the local community?
Shahph Puma Sports club proudly hosts the following annual programs.
, Badminton Tournaments , Sports Meets , Soccer Tournaments
, Summer Picnics , Award Nights , Christmas parties
, Math competitions , Science competitions , Trade shows
Adults |
Time |
Event |
Age Group |
8.30 AM |
Mens doubles |
U25, U35, U45, U55 and U65 |
10.00AM |
Open double |
Mix Double |
11.00AM |
Womens doubles |
U35 and O35 |
12.00 PM |
Mens womens single |
U25, U35, U45, U55 and U65 |
12.00 PM |
Mens single |
U25, U35, U45, U55 and U65 |
1.00PM |
Mix Double |
Open double |
Kids |
Time |
Event |
Age Group |
11.30AM |
Kids Double |
U9, U10, U11, U12, U13, U14, U16 and U18 |
3.00PM |
Kids Single |
U9, U10, U11, U12, U13, U14, U16 and U18 |