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Affiliated with

Ontario Soccer
Minor Track Association
Chess Federation of Canada
Toronto District Badminton Assiciation
Athletics Ontario
Badminton Ontario
Peel Holton Soccer Assiciation

Platinum Sponsors



Sponsorship is a valuable asset to the Shahph Puma Sports club, companies and individuals who support our Club, teams and members provide needed resources to allow us to provide the programming that we do in the community.

Many thanks to all our supporters.


Why We Need Your Support
Although the club is run by volunteers and is a not-for-profit organization we have many operating expenses. Your sponsorship helps us keep our registration fees affordable by helping to defray the cost of: Team uniforms and equipment, Field rental and maintenance fees,  Referees, Administration and Operational expenses.

Many businesses support community soccer through their employees. Please ask your employer on our behalf so that we do not miss these opportunities. Our community has been very supportive but the well is only so deep. Please help us thank all of our current sponsors and please consider becoming a new sponsor if you can.      

How to Become a Sponsor
We have many opportunities to sponsor the club throughout the year. House league sponsorship is our biggest need early in the year followed closely by  All Star as the action starts. Our special events are a great way for you to gain exposure while helping out the club. 
Step #1: Review our list of sponsorship programs and opportunities to see how you could best contribute. 
Step #2: Fill out an application form and return it to the club.

Sponsorship Opportunities  
We have organized our sponsorship program according to a number of levels that correspond to the team(s) you will be sponsoring and level of publicity and exposure you will receive in club publications and at special events. 

Our levels are organized as follows:

Platinum, $1000, 1 Age Division
Gold, $750 , 1 All Star or House League team
Silver, $625, 1 All Star or House League team
Bronze, $500, 1 House League team

Club's Events sponsorship $300.00

We are hosting sponsor logos and web links on our web site. This site has become the main source for team schedules and event news and receives significant traffic throughout the year. Prices for rolling logos in a shared space on the right side of every page start at $200. Permanent real estate is also available.


Platinum, Gold. Silver sponsorship Benefits 
Aside from knowing that your dollars are going directly to the kids and are helping to support a healthy, safe and fun activity, there is some tangible payback for you in our community. Some of the ways we recognize and help promote our sponsors are as follows: 
Sponsor name/logo printed on team jerseys
Listing in our sponsors section on our web site 
Plaque and team picture at end of summer
Sponsors "thank you" presentation at Black & White ball

Plus event sponsor's benifits


Event sponsorship Benefits

Appreciation plaque

Place of banner and your busines card at event

For a more details about the benefits of our sponsorship program please download our sponsorship opportunities form. Or contact our Sponsorship Director directly